Asia Travels: Hong Kong!

Monday, November 19, 2012

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I recently spent some time in Asia and let me tell you - it was awesome! I've always had an interest in East Asia but the price ticket (after much stalking I got one for $1100) has been a deterrent. I'm not good at delayed gratification ok? Saving is something I'm working on getting better at but with the help of my tax return last year I was finally able to make it happen.

Even better for my budget I stayed with a friend of mine from college. Her and her family were completely wonderful in letting me invade their house (and their TV during election coverage) and I don't think I could have stayed so long or done so much without their generosity.

 Regina's cousin, Me, My Friend Regina

Often described as having the most beautiful skyline in the world, Hong Kong was a blast to visit. It's very English friendly, with almost everything repeated in English which makes independent traveling much easier. Plus everyone I spoke to in a professional capacity was just nice - I'm big on just asking when I don't know what I'm doing so I pay attention when people are open to it. Oh and the exchange rate isn't bad either, about USD $1 to HK $7.8.

Hong Kong at night

I'm going to do another post on our sojourn to Taiwan, but in Hong Kong it was all about the shopping (& the eating, but that was true everywhere). I feel like everyday there was a new street market to see and new stuff look at. It's great for chotsky's but not so ideal for clothing; the cheapest stuff you can't try on and I am not built along the typical Asian lines. After a somewhat disappointing first try (biggest problem? My arms surprisingly enough) I just stuck to everything random that caught my eye. I mean, if I couldn't/didn't have to be sensible with my shopping then hey - I wanted everything else instead!

 Plushie Heaven / Regina & I at Ladies Market

Dinner at Regina's house (seriously - this happened. SO GOOD)

And except for one not-quite-quick-enough-for-me bout of stomach troubles, I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong. We did most of the touristy things while also taking some time in the areas that interested me. I don't think Regina was prepared for just how much time I could spend in Sasa or Bonjour just swatching everything - but come on! Makeup might be a hobby but I have to admit I love it.

At the top of The Peak

 Korean Makeup in Hong Kong!

I posted a bunch of pictures on Facebook (let me know if that link doesn't work ok?) because if I put them all on here you'd be looking stuff for days. I'm going to end on a high note (as if the rest was low?) and show you the cake my friend made for my birthday! I left the day before and she got up early and made it for me from scratch! How cute is that?! I'm blessed with a simplify off the charts fantastic group of friends.


So, so good :D

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