Jennifer's Body didn't suck
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I don't understand why everyone gave Jennifer's Body such a hard time. I don't know if they went into the movie expecting something more, but I watched it for the first time Saturday and it seemed to deliver exactly what it promised: ridiculous, horror, cult-film level, fun. I'm not a Megan Fox fan at all but I think she did a great job playing the vapid selfish high schooler who due to a twist of fate (and a not so small lie) has an unholy hunger for flesh. Amanda Seyfried was good as her BFF, who is forced to confront not only Jennifer's demonistic tendencies but her personality flaws as well. All of this is wrapped up with some very Clueless-reminiscent quips and I think an appropriate level of violence.
The thing is for me fake lashes are much more of a 'dramatic night' touch. During the day I go with my double mascara trick and feel pretty put together. This time (last Saturday) it was just something about the lightness of the look that had me reaching for them. I was defining my eye with the NYX eyeshadow palette but I deliberately choose softer colors and instead let the liner and lashes speak for themselves.
From the kit I used a soft pinky/burgandy and then took the more vibrant rose color across my crease, to shade out the lid. Finally I took the dark plum color and darked up my outer 'V' to give the look a very slight smokey affect.
Products Used:
Face -
--NARS Sheer Matte Foundation in Syracuse
--MAC Pro Longwear Concealer in NC42
--MAC Mineralize Skin Finish in Medium Dark
--MAC Mineralize Skin Finish in Dark
--Tarte Holiday Chest Blush (light coral color)
Eyes -
--NYX 10 Color Eyeshadow Palette in Jazz Night
--e.l.f. Natural-Looking Lashes in Black
--MAC Fluidline in Black Track
--Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender Mascara in 001 Black
--Rimmel Max Volume Flash Mascara in 003 Extreme Black
--Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender Mascara in 001 Black
--Rimmel Max Volume Flash Mascara in 003 Extreme Black
This picture is me at the Barracks Row Fall Festival
modeling a shirt sent to me by Lori Foster!
Fatshionistas and Loving Yourself
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
It's probably not good for me to admit it, but I'm what could be described as an 'in a rut' blog reader. I don't really like searching around and instead seem to get some kind of sick enjoyment out of yelling at my blog roll when I don't have anything new to read.
Luckily I can say I'm working on that. Lately I've been using Jezebel articles, links in other blog posts, random links to things on Facebook to try to break out of my blog box. I don't want to settle on just the number of blogs I read today. I would like to know that I'm expanding and actively searching for new things about all of my passions. Lately I've really enjoyed reading posts from the world of the fat & fabulous because it's hard not having the typical body. I don't care what anyone says, it's hard to have to work all the time to find clothing that fits and accessories that work with your body and personal style. Still it's through the work of some very wonderful women that inspiration and help is never far away.
I'll talk more about the specific blogs I've been reading later, but I wanted to a highlight a particular post from Natalie at Last year she wrote one entitled "How to love yourself in 8 very hard steps" and I think it does a great job bringing together the type of mentality I like to encourage myself and my friends to have. I highly recommend that every person at every size stop and read it because it has a message that's always good to remember.
Something New: A Collabo with 28SOTC!
Monday, September 27, 2010
For the latest dose of makeup straight talk, head over to my soror Camille's blog 28 stars on the ceiling. She came up with the wonderfully fantastical idea to do a post on Beauty Must Haves. It's a topic that's always in question in my heart because who isn't on the lookout for that next HG (holy grail) product? I know I am always searching for the next best concealer, the next best foundation, and posts like these help a lot.
It's taken a lot of time and painful cuts, but finally Camille and I have decided on what should be considered the best of the best - a must have. And the final list can only be seen at....
It's taken a lot of time and painful cuts, but finally Camille and I have decided on what should be considered the best of the best - a must have. And the final list can only be seen at....
don't be lame - all the cool kids are clicking ;)
And for a little more on 28SOTC...
Live life on fire…Ms. Camille Bowens, a native of NOVa and a graduate of the University of Virginia’s c/o 2009, just recently discovered her passion for fashion and plans to consummate her love by landing herself a spot in fashion school by 2011-2012. Having always been a fan of practical and haute beauty, she was delighted to collaborate with me on this blogging adventure. Camille’s blog, ‘28 stars on the ceiling’, features entries about fashion, beauty, and philosophy…for more, please visit
My New Mattifying Miracle Mask
Sunday, September 26, 2010
While I might love to talk about the makeup that I love it's pretty rare for me to find a product that I can say definitely makes a difference with my skin. But this is something I can say about the ~H20+ Sea Clear 10-minute mattifying mud mask. I picked it up at Marshall's for about $7 and I sincerely love it.
I smooth it on after washing my makeup off and immediately I can feel my skin start to tingle. It goes from light to kind of intense as the mask dries and finally settles into just the tight feeling you get when using a clay/mud mask. After 10min I splash my fash with water and work it into my skin with a little vibrating exfoliator thing that I got at T.J. Maxx. When I finally rince it off my face my skin is left feeling fresh, clean, and SO SOFT. Seriously, with one application my skin looks better, my acne scars are less apparent and the texture of my entire face is better.
The whole experience has definitely left me enamoured of the brand and I'm going to be searching all the discount places around me as often as possible to see if I can pick up other products.
Have you tried anything from ~H2O+?
**Edit: Now I'm sad. I went looking online for a link to the product for you guys and I can't find an active one from the brand's website anywhere. Dammit why do I have to fall in love with something that's discountinued?!
Another Example of Beth Ditto Being Fantastic
Thursday, September 23, 2010
"I'm not an unhealthy person and I feel like one of the most tiring parts of being fat and being proud of it is…you do a lot of proving yourself all the time.
It's really interesting to me that people will look at a thin person and go, 'That's a healthy person.' I want to go, 'Come open my refrigerator and look and then let's talk about what you think is so bad.'
To be thin and to stay really thin, sometimes... some people literally do coke all the time. Some people smoke cigarettes instead of eating. That's crazy. But that's 'okay' because you look healthier."
--Beth Ditto, Beth Ditto - Ditto Slams Skinny 'Role Models'
You know Forever21 could update their website more often and I would be a happy camper. I want to show you guys what I picked up yesterday from their plus sized Faith21 section (without doing the whole take pictures of everything myself thing) and it's just not cooperating with the plan. I can only find about 3 of the items I bought, grrrr, so I guess I'll have to give in and just do outfit pictures later - this should at least tide you over and give you an idea of what's out there!
I know that we are very far from it actually being cold enough to justify this, but I bought a coat. I do feel slightly vindicated by saying that it looks better on me then it does in this picture - but that's just the excuse I used with myself when I decided to buy it. It's not very thick, which makes it perfect for fall, and I LOVE the forest green color against my skin.
This is what I really went to F212 to try on. I saw this dress online and fell in hard core lust, despite the fact that cowl necks are very iffy for us who are bigger on top. The color was impossible to resist in person though and the fit was just not awkward enough to ensure that it was coming home with me.
Let me start off by saying that this skirt is cuter in person. When I'm wearing it it doesn't scream 'slightly off' like it does with in this stock photo (the roomie has confirmed this so I know I'm not going crazy). It's very light weight fabric though, and a little stretchy, so when it gets colder I'll definitely be rocking it with tights.
Bonus SHOULD I TRY IT Round!
Sequin Mesh Tunic
I saw this shirt on the hanger on F21 and was torn. I like the shiny/glitter look but what you can't tell here is that it's COMPLETELY sheer. The model is obviously wearing it with a tank underneath to achieve this look. Plus I don't on my body it's going to anything like tunic length and I'm kind of sensitive about where across my abdomen tops lay.
What do we think people? If I end back up at Potomac Mills or Pentagon City should I try this on?

Bonus SHOULD I TRY IT Round!
Sequin Mesh Tunic
I saw this shirt on the hanger on F21 and was torn. I like the shiny/glitter look but what you can't tell here is that it's COMPLETELY sheer. The model is obviously wearing it with a tank underneath to achieve this look. Plus I don't on my body it's going to anything like tunic length and I'm kind of sensitive about where across my abdomen tops lay.
What do we think people? If I end back up at Potomac Mills or Pentagon City should I try this on?

"Easy" Liner
Monday, September 20, 2010 • Makeup
I'm not sure when this happened, but sometime ago I apparently decided that eye liner was the 'easier' eye look option. I think it might have to be the less brushes thing, but it's something I've noticed myself doing the last couple of weekends: I get too lazy to mess with blending shadows and go with the 'quicker' liner option.
I've come to you guys to admit that it is in no way the quicker or easier option. The only thing I can say about liner is that usually I only use 1 brush so it's slightly better on the tool end. Now if I was willing to settle for smudged pencil this would be a different post entirely, but I like the more dramatic cat eye look and for that my OCD tendencies come to the forefront. I know that my eyebrows might be sisters and not twins - I recognize that as reality. Still, I want to tell myself that my liner is going to defy this trend and be perfect on both eyes. YEAH RIGHT. Instead I have to sit there and move the mirror to look at my eyes from different angles, step back and see it from the larger picture: there's almost no end to how I could be slightly dissatisfied with the final product.
So this is my warning to all the women like me who might think that bold(ish) liner might get them out the door quicker. Unless you're doing it with a pencil you can smudge out, just brush on some shimmery bronze shadow and mascara and call it a day!
Products Used:
--MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack
--Stila Smudge Pot in Ultra Violet (bottom)
--MAC eyeshadow in a lilac/purple (it's a pressed pigment that I don't have the name for - sorry!)
--Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender Mascara in 001 Black
--Rimmel Max Volume Flash Mascara in 003 Extreme Black
Now for this look I actually went all the way and used some matte shadows to contour the eye a bit. I've decided that no matter how lazy I'm feeling bold liner looks better on me framed with at least a little shadow. Oh well.
I've come to you guys to admit that it is in no way the quicker or easier option. The only thing I can say about liner is that usually I only use 1 brush so it's slightly better on the tool end. Now if I was willing to settle for smudged pencil this would be a different post entirely, but I like the more dramatic cat eye look and for that my OCD tendencies come to the forefront. I know that my eyebrows might be sisters and not twins - I recognize that as reality. Still, I want to tell myself that my liner is going to defy this trend and be perfect on both eyes. YEAH RIGHT. Instead I have to sit there and move the mirror to look at my eyes from different angles, step back and see it from the larger picture: there's almost no end to how I could be slightly dissatisfied with the final product.
So this is my warning to all the women like me who might think that bold(ish) liner might get them out the door quicker. Unless you're doing it with a pencil you can smudge out, just brush on some shimmery bronze shadow and mascara and call it a day!

--MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack
--Stila Smudge Pot in Ultra Violet (bottom)
--MAC eyeshadow in a lilac/purple (it's a pressed pigment that I don't have the name for - sorry!)
--Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender Mascara in 001 Black
--Rimmel Max Volume Flash Mascara in 003 Extreme Black

Products Used:
--Stila Smudge Pot in Electric Blue
--Tarte Holiday Kit - matte eyeshadows
--Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender Mascara in 001 Black
--Rimmel Max Volume Flash Mascara in 003 Extreme Black
--Stila Smudge Pot in Electric Blue
--Tarte Holiday Kit - matte eyeshadows
--Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender Mascara in 001 Black
--Rimmel Max Volume Flash Mascara in 003 Extreme Black
More Dragon*Con Photos!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
It's take me a little while I know, but check out my new album on Facebook with the pictures from Dragon*Con 2010!!
I'm not so sure about this Willow....
Friday, September 10, 2010
It apparently hit the airwaves last week but this morning I just heard Willow Smith's first single 'Whip My Hair' and I've got to admit that I have mixed feelings. I don't think the song is just her, I definitely feel some studio has been added in to up the maturity level of her voice, but I'm probably more hesitant about the idea of someone her age going into the music business now.
I mean, 9 years old? Haven't we seen what happens to child stars who are bombarded with this type of fame too early? I'm the first to admit that Will and Jada seem like the kind of parents who would keep their children on lock down, but it worries me. Listening to this song I see it being played in clubs because it's got a good beat and a catchy (though a little irritating) chorus, and I don't think I'm ok with that. This girl is a child, a young child, and I feel like before being exposed to all the hype, pressure, and cynicism that fame can bring she should be nurtured within her familial sphere. It just seems a little early to be doing all this, but maybe with kids aging faster and faster these days I'm just being an old fogey.
I mean, 9 years old? Haven't we seen what happens to child stars who are bombarded with this type of fame too early? I'm the first to admit that Will and Jada seem like the kind of parents who would keep their children on lock down, but it worries me. Listening to this song I see it being played in clubs because it's got a good beat and a catchy (though a little irritating) chorus, and I don't think I'm ok with that. This girl is a child, a young child, and I feel like before being exposed to all the hype, pressure, and cynicism that fame can bring she should be nurtured within her familial sphere. It just seems a little early to be doing all this, but maybe with kids aging faster and faster these days I'm just being an old fogey.
D*C Looks: Day 4
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 • Makeup
Since it was the very last day of Dragon*Con I decided to give my peepers a rest and go with a more subdued (for me) look. I used the purple out of my new Cargo palette for the base of this and then shaded it out with using MAC's soft brown (I think) and a mid-tone matte brown from my Tarte Holiday Chest. I'm pretty sure I then added some MAC Beauty Marked to the outer corner on both the top and bottom lash lines. For the inner corner of the lower lash line I smudged in some of the light blue and light green from the Cargo quad. Both the purple and the light blue were patted down on top of 2 complimentary colors of NYX Jumbo pencil, which helped the color pop and adhere better. I finished off with MAC fluidline in Blacktrack and mascara, but not false lashes: this is all natural baby!

D*C Looks: Day 3
Monday, September 6, 2010 • Makeup
It's 3:25am and I have to get up in 5 hours so instead of posting two pics of my look, one close up to help you guys see the detail and one far away, we're going to do one pic.
Be thankful. Cause I'm really tired.
(Aw just kidding! I'll post more pics and a better description later - NITE EVERYONE!)
As I said I would here's a better picture of the glitter extravaganza that I wore on my eyes Sunday. I actually really liked it, much more than I figured I would, so you'll definitely be seeing this again!

Be thankful. Cause I'm really tired.
As I said I would here's a better picture of the glitter extravaganza that I wore on my eyes Sunday. I actually really liked it, much more than I figured I would, so you'll definitely be seeing this again!

D*C Looks: Day 2
Sunday, September 5, 2010 • Makeup
Today I based my makeup on something MissChievious (YouTube guru) put up a few months ago. She was doing her own version of a Kim Kardashian look and while that sounds really complicated, it wasn't all that bad. The only issue is that it took over 45min to do on my own, not counting the foundation and face steps.
Ahh the things I do for a look.

I'm actually really happy with how it turned out, though when I'm looking down the liner doesn't look as exact as I would like. Still I loved the final product and I received a lot of positive feedback from my friends and the people at Dragon*Con.

Ahh the things I do for a look.

I'm actually really happy with how it turned out, though when I'm looking down the liner doesn't look as exact as I would like. Still I loved the final product and I received a lot of positive feedback from my friends and the people at Dragon*Con.

D*C Looks: Day 1
Saturday, September 4, 2010 • Makeup
I don't have time for a long detailed post, 3am and all that, but here's a quick look at what I put together for the first day. I went for updated pinup, so there's lots of liner & lashes (NYX brand), while the rest of the eye is a little more subdued while still smokey. To keep with the more modern theme I rocked a slick hot pink lip instead of the classic red. I'll try to add product info and all that later, but I hope you enjoy!

Packing for Dragon*Con
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I originally said that because my friend and I were driving to Dragon*Con packing would be easier. I would be able to bring whatever I wanted, even if I wasn't sure I would wear it, with the only limit being what could fit in the car (especially when the car only hold's the stuff for 2 people). I think I'm now going to take that back. Packing sucks and having the opportunity to take multiple options just makes it worse because I can pack more.

Do you see that? The only thing small about that is the tiny case of jewelry I'm bringing. This is the large suitcase from one of those sets of 3 you can buy from any department store. The LARGE. How can I possibly need this much stuff for 6 days? I'll tell you how - Dragon*Con. On any given day I can anticipate myself waking up and hating the outfit I'd decided on before. Well since I can't exactly drive the 10hrs back to DC to pick something else, I've gone with the 'bring everything but the kitchen sink' option. Which for a person who overpacks anyway, is just not pretty. The saddest thing? This isn't everything - this really is just clothes and shoes.

This is everything else. Makeup, brushes, and toiletries, which for someone like me can be a sizable amount if I'm not careful. I do have one caveat though, and that's the fact that I've never traveled with this much makeup before, and I could have been more compact if I'd wanted. I just didn't want; I wanted the freedom to create whatever look (subtle, dramatic, glittery, etc.) that I was in the mood for on that particular day. Still, even I have to admit that this is a bit overboard. The fact that in the end I couldn't fit my brushes in any of the many small pouches I own to hold them is probably a bit damning, isn't it?

This is a makeup artist's brush belt that I bought e.l.f a while ago, and even as I acknowledge that it's unnecessary that I should need it in this instance, isn't it pretty?! The back row holds my foundation/powder brushes, while everything else is for my eyes. Left to right you have brushes that pack on color, liner brushes, blending brushes, smudging brushes, and finally synthetic brushes to apply cream products. No one has to tell me that I'm overdoing it here; a lot of the brushes I'm bringing could do double duty and work in different ways, but I want them all! They're just so soft and useful and....well dammit I don't care why I want them, I want them!
The epicness starts soon and I can't wait!

Do you see that? The only thing small about that is the tiny case of jewelry I'm bringing. This is the large suitcase from one of those sets of 3 you can buy from any department store. The LARGE. How can I possibly need this much stuff for 6 days? I'll tell you how - Dragon*Con. On any given day I can anticipate myself waking up and hating the outfit I'd decided on before. Well since I can't exactly drive the 10hrs back to DC to pick something else, I've gone with the 'bring everything but the kitchen sink' option. Which for a person who overpacks anyway, is just not pretty. The saddest thing? This isn't everything - this really is just clothes and shoes.

This is everything else. Makeup, brushes, and toiletries, which for someone like me can be a sizable amount if I'm not careful. I do have one caveat though, and that's the fact that I've never traveled with this much makeup before, and I could have been more compact if I'd wanted. I just didn't want; I wanted the freedom to create whatever look (subtle, dramatic, glittery, etc.) that I was in the mood for on that particular day. Still, even I have to admit that this is a bit overboard. The fact that in the end I couldn't fit my brushes in any of the many small pouches I own to hold them is probably a bit damning, isn't it?

This is a makeup artist's brush belt that I bought e.l.f a while ago, and even as I acknowledge that it's unnecessary that I should need it in this instance, isn't it pretty?! The back row holds my foundation/powder brushes, while everything else is for my eyes. Left to right you have brushes that pack on color, liner brushes, blending brushes, smudging brushes, and finally synthetic brushes to apply cream products. No one has to tell me that I'm overdoing it here; a lot of the brushes I'm bringing could do double duty and work in different ways, but I want them all! They're just so soft and useful and....well dammit I don't care why I want them, I want them!
The epicness starts soon and I can't wait!
I just don't understand. I don't understand why I personally should be offended that 'Black men' (which is so freaking generic it kills me) are dating outside their race.
Over and over, whenever I happen to stumble upon a site or a blog targeting Black people, it seems to be a subject brought up for debate. 'Black women' are offended that 'Black men' are not dating them. Whether it be due to disproportionate incomes, education levels, religious beliefs, etc. the conclusion is always that Black women are (and should be) offended by this trend.
I don't get that. I get being offended if as a women you feel that you're being excluded from the dating pool by everyone in general, due to some of the reasons listed above, but I don't understand being personally offended by someone else's choice to date outside their race. I am friends with wonderful women of all different races and it seems to me that the problem of finding someone you want to spend your life with is an issue regardless of race. I don't think my White friend magically has an easier time finding a White guy who wants to be with her because she's white. Ditto for everyone else.
I feel like the chances of finding a partner that is a woman's ideal in 70-80% of the areas they're looking at for compatibility are so astronomical anyway, race is an almost inconsequential concern. If you want someone who will relate to your interests, see eye to eye with you on life goals, understand the important things in your life, what is race in comparison to that? If you found someone who was spot on with the rest would you reject them because of their skin color? (please say no)
I'm a mixed race woman. My mother was White and my dad was Black and it doesn't occur to me to be offended that some brown men don't date brown women. I am picky as hell, can be superficial and sometimes unorthodox, so I think the least I can do is give people a break on what color their skin is. I am not a typical anything, other than possibly a typical human being, and finding that spark is elusive enough, I don't need to make it harder.
I feel that a more universally helpful discussion regarding dating and meeting people could be done if we looked at the issue of where, of how, people meet other people. It might seem to more often than not be a matter of chance or luck, but I think either way that type of focus would be more positive and move this discussion forward. Everyone wants to be fulfilled and happy, whether it be in a relationship or not; it's kind of one of those universal truths. If we can agree that love within a partnership is a desire for most no matter race, then can't we also agree that the debate can be moved to how people meet people today, with today's new societal outlets? I think this perpetual need to place blame on why things don't work for one race separate from others is just moving back dating's evolution from the evolution of how people relate in general, which is helping no one no time fast.
Over and over, whenever I happen to stumble upon a site or a blog targeting Black people, it seems to be a subject brought up for debate. 'Black women' are offended that 'Black men' are not dating them. Whether it be due to disproportionate incomes, education levels, religious beliefs, etc. the conclusion is always that Black women are (and should be) offended by this trend.
I don't get that. I get being offended if as a women you feel that you're being excluded from the dating pool by everyone in general, due to some of the reasons listed above, but I don't understand being personally offended by someone else's choice to date outside their race. I am friends with wonderful women of all different races and it seems to me that the problem of finding someone you want to spend your life with is an issue regardless of race. I don't think my White friend magically has an easier time finding a White guy who wants to be with her because she's white. Ditto for everyone else.
I feel like the chances of finding a partner that is a woman's ideal in 70-80% of the areas they're looking at for compatibility are so astronomical anyway, race is an almost inconsequential concern. If you want someone who will relate to your interests, see eye to eye with you on life goals, understand the important things in your life, what is race in comparison to that? If you found someone who was spot on with the rest would you reject them because of their skin color? (please say no)
I'm a mixed race woman. My mother was White and my dad was Black and it doesn't occur to me to be offended that some brown men don't date brown women. I am picky as hell, can be superficial and sometimes unorthodox, so I think the least I can do is give people a break on what color their skin is. I am not a typical anything, other than possibly a typical human being, and finding that spark is elusive enough, I don't need to make it harder.
I feel that a more universally helpful discussion regarding dating and meeting people could be done if we looked at the issue of where, of how, people meet other people. It might seem to more often than not be a matter of chance or luck, but I think either way that type of focus would be more positive and move this discussion forward. Everyone wants to be fulfilled and happy, whether it be in a relationship or not; it's kind of one of those universal truths. If we can agree that love within a partnership is a desire for most no matter race, then can't we also agree that the debate can be moved to how people meet people today, with today's new societal outlets? I think this perpetual need to place blame on why things don't work for one race separate from others is just moving back dating's evolution from the evolution of how people relate in general, which is helping no one no time fast.
**Disclaimer: This is one woman's opinion. I don't like to speak in general on behalf of an entire race, two races, or a gender. If I come off as insulting or too simplistic I apologize, but this is what occurs to me whenever this discussion pops up.**
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