While I might love to talk about the makeup that I love it's pretty rare for me to find a product that I can say definitely makes a difference with my skin. But this is something I can say about the ~H20+ Sea Clear 10-minute mattifying mud mask. I picked it up at Marshall's for about $7 and I sincerely love it.
I smooth it on after washing my makeup off and immediately I can feel my skin start to tingle. It goes from light to kind of intense as the mask dries and finally settles into just the tight feeling you get when using a clay/mud mask. After 10min I splash my fash with water and work it into my skin with a little vibrating exfoliator thing that I got at T.J. Maxx. When I finally rince it off my face my skin is left feeling fresh, clean, and SO SOFT. Seriously, with one application my skin looks better, my acne scars are less apparent and the texture of my entire face is better.
The whole experience has definitely left me enamoured of the brand and I'm going to be searching all the discount places around me as often as possible to see if I can pick up other products.
Have you tried anything from ~H2O+?
**Edit: Now I'm sad. I went looking online for a link to the product for you guys and I can't find an active one from the brand's website anywhere. Dammit why do I have to fall in love with something that's discountinued?!
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