stepping stones
Friday, September 28, 2012 • Eva Zoe, Old Navy, OOTD, White House Black Market
Top: White House Black Market ~ Skirt: Old Navy ~ Shoes: Eva & Zoe (via Off Broadway)
Apparently this outfit was only the beginning! I stepped it up with the dots and stripes paring last week and I have to say I love it. I think they complement each other without being over the top, and the nude shoes help lengthen my leg line and make this wonderful skirt even more beautiful.
Getting Ready for Fall - Lips
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 • Makeup, Ready for Fall, WDDT?
I don't remember if I've said this before but wow. Taking a million pictures of your face is not good for the self-esteem. I took one for the team though in making this Fall Lips post because this season really is the most 'me'. When I wear lip products I don't go for subtle - I like BAM! impact and this time of year you can do that without people looking at you funny.
So with that intro you're not going to be surprised by these swatches right? I tried to pick a couple 'wearable' shades, the MAC kissable lipcolour isn't totally over the top, and a nude lip is appropriate all year round, but Fall is about bold and I chose accordingly.
For anyone a little faint of heart I'd suggest going with a lipgloss; you'll get a hint of color without it being too in your face and who knows - maybe you'll be inspired to go bigger later on! For the most part I've chosen deep wine reds and purples, across a variety of brands and price points. If you spend a little time (and remember to swatch where appropriate and return where it's not) I'm sure you'll find something you love and can wear not only in this season but for years to come.
But which one did I wear out of the house? NONE! HAHAHAHA! I went completely non-Fall and chose orange lips. Topping the Stila matte with the L'Oreal deepens the tone and makes it more appropriate with my summer tan.
So with that intro you're not going to be surprised by these swatches right? I tried to pick a couple 'wearable' shades, the MAC kissable lipcolour isn't totally over the top, and a nude lip is appropriate all year round, but Fall is about bold and I chose accordingly.
For anyone a little faint of heart I'd suggest going with a lipgloss; you'll get a hint of color without it being too in your face and who knows - maybe you'll be inspired to go bigger later on! For the most part I've chosen deep wine reds and purples, across a variety of brands and price points. If you spend a little time (and remember to swatch where appropriate and return where it's not) I'm sure you'll find something you love and can wear not only in this season but for years to come.
1) Wet n Wild Megalast Lipstick in "919B" ~ 2) MAC Lip Pencil in "Nightmoth" ~ 3) Wet n Wild Megalast Lipstick in "918B" ~ 4) Revlon ColorStay Lipstick in "Divine Port Wine" ~ 5) MAC Kissable Lipcolour in "Flaunting It"
6) L'Oreal Colour Riche Lipstick in "Spiced Wine" ~ 7) NYX Lip Liner Pencil in "Cabaret" ~ 8) NYX Mega Shine Lipgloss in "Garnet" ~ 9) Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss in "Sienna Sparkle" ~ 10) NYX Mega Shine Lipgloss in "Sweet Heart" ~ 11) NYX Jumbo Lip Pencil in "711 Iced Coffee"
I know that's a lot of colors to take in but it was so hard to choose! And because I love you I picked my top 4 and did lip swatches too, in hind sight I think it shows best how a change in lip color can completely transform a look. I did a simple matte smokey eye to ensure that the lips were the star, but somehow the tone of everything changes subtly in each picture.
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(top L-R, bottom L-R) |
1) Iced Coffee + Sweet Heart 2) Flaunting It 3) Cabaret (lip pencil) + Spiced Wine 4) 919B
But which one did I wear out of the house? NONE! HAHAHAHA! I went completely non-Fall and chose orange lips. Topping the Stila matte with the L'Oreal deepens the tone and makes it more appropriate with my summer tan.
Stila Long Wear Lip Color in "outrageous" + L'Oreal Colour Riche in "Fiery Veil"
I hope this extra long post helped - if there are any other swatches you'd like to see on the lips let me know, and I'll try and get them up as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!
BDIB: Oxblood
Monday, September 24, 2012 • BDIB, ECI New York, Old Navy, OOTD, The Limited
So can anyone tell me when burgundy officially became un-sexy? Because I'm not any more enamored with with the idea of wearing jeans the color of a bleeding ox :-/.
For this particular Bloggers Do It Better challenge (which I took photos for last minute - oops!) I decided to go for broke and wear a couple of my favorite new items for Fall: burgundy skinnies and brocade. The jacket was a gift and is a little small; do I care? HELL NO. Do you see this thing? I'm gonna wear it to death however possible. The jeans I'm still getting used to as their length, which seems perfectly appropriate to most people, still feels a little short to me.
And now...gratuitous jacket shot!
Oh and Happy Monday - I hope you're all enjoying this lovely Fall weather as much as I am!
For this particular Bloggers Do It Better challenge (which I took photos for last minute - oops!) I decided to go for broke and wear a couple of my favorite new items for Fall: burgundy skinnies and brocade. The jacket was a gift and is a little small; do I care? HELL NO. Do you see this thing? I'm gonna wear it to death however possible. The jeans I'm still getting used to as their length, which seems perfectly appropriate to most people, still feels a little short to me.
Jacket: Gift ~ Shirt: Old Navy ~ Jeans: The Limited ~ Belt: Kohls? ~ Shoes: Eva & Zoe (via Off Broadway)
And now...gratuitous jacket shot!
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pretty.... |
Oh and Happy Monday - I hope you're all enjoying this lovely Fall weather as much as I am!
Geek of the Week #12
Saturday, September 22, 2012 • Geek of the Week, window shopping
I only really have one Geek of the Week this time around, but I consider it a doozy - especially with the change in weather. Drum roll please....Hand Printed Tights! Credit goes to XOJane for this one, but I love it just the same (oh and they come in a variety of sizes so if you want them I'm pretty sure they'll make it happen!).
Teja Jamilla, Pocket-Watch Keys, $22
Teja Jamilla, Antique Keys Gold, $27.50
Edit: Never mind! Here's one more amazing Geeky piece that I desperately want to add to my wardrobe -
Go Chase Rabbits, Sailor Girl Full Skirt, $45.99
ready for fall
Friday, September 21, 2012 • Makeup
Color! Pattern! Texture! Shine! Fall has got it's greedy little mitts on me and I can't wait to start playing with bolder looks now that I know they won't melt because of the heat.
*Original inspiration post w/ tutorial can be found here*
Products Used:
~~Maybelline Color Tatto in 10 Fierce & Tangy
~~Milani Liquif'eye in 03 Gold
~~120 eyeshadow palette (ebay) red & hot pink matte eyeshadow
~~Facefront Cosmetics loose mineral pigment in Death by Rubies
~~Tarte matte beige eyeshadow (highlight)
~~elf pigment eyeshadow in Golden Goddess
~~Inglot matte black eyeshadow
~~L'Oreal Smouldering Eyeliner
~~Physicians Formula liner
~~elf natural lashes in black
~~elf eyebrow kit in dark
*Original inspiration post w/ tutorial can be found here*
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 • Ann Taylor Factory, OOTD, The Limited, TJ Maxx
Look at that! It's a loafer! My fall hipster is already making an appearance.
Top: Ann Taylor Factory ~ Jeans: The Limited ~ Shoes: Dolce Vita via TJ Maxx
Dragon*Con Part II - The Costumes
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 • Dragon*Con
I don't know how anyone does this. I LOVED the costumes I saw this year and narrowing it down to a manageable post is almost evil. It forces me to weigh one against the other in a battle royale of costume-y goodness. Plus my pics are probably sad little representations when placed against some of the DLSR photos but hey, I had phone.
This is just a small sampling of what's available in this album so don't forget to check it out!
Attack of my childhood! An amazing Labyrinth couple (and if you couldn't tell, Jareth is a girl!). I even saw them later in the weekend in another set of costumes from the movie. I loved them. And who could forget RU-FI-OOOOOOO! Plus with the possibly the best photobomb ever, you also get the Professor and the Powerpuff Girls!
This is just a small sampling of what's available in this album so don't forget to check it out!
Avengers! I loved their attention to detail and overall feel - they'd obviously put a lot of time and energy into these costumes.
OMG LOOK AT THEM! Seriously - Mario, Luigi, AND Wario?! I may have had a squeal fest when I sa them but I admit nothing.
Voyager is my #1 Star Trek love and by far this is the best Seven of Nine I've ever seen - props to the other dudes too but she was my favorite!
what do i look like?
Monday, September 17, 2012 • Eastern Market, J.Crew, Nine West, OOTD, The Limited
Top: J.Crew ~ Jeans: The Limited ~ Necklace: Eastern Market ~ Belt: JC Penny ~ Flats: Nine West
I was going for menswear but I think I ended up with waitstaff. Sigh. Also, necklace, WTF. Could you please stay under the collar where I put you?
Fitting Room Reviews - The Limited & F21
Friday, September 14, 2012 • window shopping
While doing some returns (and purchases) I tried on a few things at Pentagon City. None of it was 'wow' enough to come home with me but in case you wanted to pick up anything new for Fall here's a look -
The Limited
The Limited
Knit Military Blazer, Sz L, $98
First Impression: Loved the color but not the 3/4 length sleeves or the two button stance. Pass (especially at this price).
Black Sheath Dress w/ Peplum, Sz L, $? ; Faux Leather Trimmed Sheath Dress, Sz L, $98
First Impression: Not for me. The high neckline and wide shoulder straps left me with major uni-boob and the randomly open peplum said 'look at my belly!'. Sad because the cobalt blue with leather accents was so nice in concept.
Two Toned Blazer, Sz XL, $?
First Impression: Almost. This was surprisingly cute as the color change hit flatteringly at my natural waist. But the one button stance and it being a little bit too big made the final decision for me.
Horn Button Jacket, Sz XL, $29.80
First Impression: Almost. As I've said, I don't like one button stances and the boyfriend blazer fit isn't my favorite, but the purple with the contrast lining almost had me.
Faux Leather Trim Bird Dress, Sz XL, $?
First Impression: Eh. The XL was confusingly too big and almost too small at the same time. The neckline was high and the shoulders wide, so while the print and leather accents drew me in, this was a no.
I did manage to settle on my new 'adult' jeans though so while these two trips were unsuccessful I'm still pretty happy!
My InStyle Lust
Thursday, September 13, 2012 • window shopping
In the entirety of the enormous September issue of InStyle there was just one thing that had me on the edge of my seat - this coat. I love the mix of military olive with faux leather accents, as well as the waist cinching belt. Now, as with all clothing items, you just never know if magazine inspired dreams are going to live up to reality. Am I going to find out for myself? It's a 50/50 shot with the computer screen whispering 'do it.....'.
W118 by Walter Baker Coat, $168 (in khaki)
day? night!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 • Express, Forever21+, HandM, OOTD, Torrid
Top: Forever21+ ~ Belt: Torrid ~ Skirt: H&M (thrifted) ~ Shoes: Express
I don't remember the last time (if ever) I pulled out the sequins for day look but if there was ever a time for it Fashion's Night Out was it.
(To be honest, I didn't wear these shoes in Georgetown. The cobblestone and broken brick are much too precarious and I know too many people with foot problems to chance it. I changed to flats, lol.)
Dragon*Con Part I - The Panels
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 • Dragon*Con
As I mentioned in my Awkward and Awesome post, this year I spent a lot of time waiting in line. Which I HATE by the way, but is necessary if you've got limited time and incredible people to see. It's a conundrum I face every year, but this time around there were a few people I was dying to see (though I missed Mercedes Lackey! Dammit!) and for the most part all the waiting was worth it.
To try and limit the ridiculous size of this post (though seriously, it's still too big) I didn't link to every random closeup I took of the guests, but you can check out the full album of pics I have here.
To try and limit the ridiculous size of this post (though seriously, it's still too big) I didn't link to every random closeup I took of the guests, but you can check out the full album of pics I have here.
Buffy and Angel Guest Q&A
Juliet Landau, James Marsters |
Juliet Landau, James Marsters, J August Richards |
This one was so fun! Marsters is always a riot but seeing Landau (Drusilla) and Richards (Gunn) was a treat. It was wonderful seeing them interact with each other and talk about some of the experiences they had working with the show's writers and of course, Whedon.
Weird, Amazing, Psychotic Life: The Farscape Cast Reunion
Keither R.A. Decandido, Rebecca Riggs, Gigi Edgley, Virginia Hey |
Claudia Black and Ben Browder are my absolute favorites but I enjoyed sitting in on this panel and getting to hear from the villain of the show (Rebecca Riggs)
Stan 'the Man' Lee - Excelsior!
Stan Lee |
A hilarious old man who loves his work and his fans. What's not to love?
Click below for MORE!
FNOGeorgetown 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
The rain stopped and there was lots of delicious food and drink to be had. What a great night!
BYT Party at Dean & Deluca
BYT Party at Dean & Deluca
My own outfit details coming soon!
jeans bonanza!
Friday, September 7, 2012 • WDDT?
Know what the best part is of throwing caution to the wind and making a bunch of online orders before leaving for Dragon*Con? Trying it all on when you get home!
P.S. - Big thanks to my coworkers who don't mind taking pictures of me while I rush around on my lunch break!
P.S. - Big thanks to my coworkers who don't mind taking pictures of me while I rush around on my lunch break!
Old Navy: Women's Lightweight Camp Shirt, Sz L, $15 (sale)
GAP: 1969 Modern Trouser Jeans, Sz 14, $39.99 (sale)
First Impression: Shirt - yes. Super cheap, indeed lightweight, and I predict easy to pair with everything. Jeans? Pretty sure I'm gonna keep. These are the original pair that I saw on Sidney which made me fall in love with flares at all. I'm not totally comfortable with the little bit of rippling in the front but I think that'll relax with time. Plus they're just long enough (to wear with heels I mean).
First Impression: Shirt - yes. Super cheap, indeed lightweight, and I predict easy to pair with everything. Jeans? Pretty sure I'm gonna keep. These are the original pair that I saw on Sidney which made me fall in love with flares at all. I'm not totally comfortable with the little bit of rippling in the front but I think that'll relax with time. Plus they're just long enough (to wear with heels I mean).
The Limited: 678 Colorful Skinny Jean, Sz 14, $33.98 (sale)
First Impression: Love the color, unsure about the length. Maybe it's because I've always been a person that had to roll up their skinnies, but these almost feel like high waters. Thoughts? Oh and the rise is nice from the front and high enough in the back that I don't fear plummer's crack.
First Impression: Love the color, unsure about the length. Maybe it's because I've always been a person that had to roll up their skinnies, but these almost feel like high waters. Thoughts? Oh and the rise is nice from the front and high enough in the back that I don't fear plummer's crack.
The Limited: 678 Dark Wash Skinny Jean, Sz 14, $33.98 (sale)
First Impression: So comfortable! These have a tad more spandex than the rest of the pairs I ordered and they're very easy to slide on. Probably the closest to my F21 favorites, I also think the rise is spot on. Could the back pockets be higher? Possibly, but let's not ask for perfection for under $40. Also these came cuffed out of the bag but it's highly unlikely I'd wear them that way.
First Impression: So comfortable! These have a tad more spandex than the rest of the pairs I ordered and they're very easy to slide on. Probably the closest to my F21 favorites, I also think the rise is spot on. Could the back pockets be higher? Possibly, but let's not ask for perfection for under $40. Also these came cuffed out of the bag but it's highly unlikely I'd wear them that way.
The Limited: 917 Bartacked Skinny Jean, Sz 14, $33.98 (sale)
First Impression: Also comfortable! The label said that these were a 'curvy' fit with room for hips and thighs - plus it was the only pair you could choose the length on. I actually don't mind the fading (it usually drives me batty) though in a case of why me, I'm wondering a little about what I'd do with the bunching at the bottom? There's less stretch in these so when I walked around I noticed a little bunching between my abdomen and thigh but it wasn't crazy and didn't bother me much.
First Impression: Also comfortable! The label said that these were a 'curvy' fit with room for hips and thighs - plus it was the only pair you could choose the length on. I actually don't mind the fading (it usually drives me batty) though in a case of why me, I'm wondering a little about what I'd do with the bunching at the bottom? There's less stretch in these so when I walked around I noticed a little bunching between my abdomen and thigh but it wasn't crazy and didn't bother me much.
Final Decision? Up in the air. There are a lot of good choices here, especially for the price point, and I'd be using these to replace the cheaper pairs that are falling apart. Help me! Which would you keep?
Awkward and Awesome Thursday - Dragon*Con Edition!
Thursday, September 6, 2012 • Awkward and Awesome, Dragon*Con
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-Getting an hour outside DC before remembering the baggie of jewelry still sitting on my bed.
-Creepy CVS guy trying to pull the 'I have to take a photo of you' card. Uh, no. F*ck you.
-Jason Mamoa bringing cups/bottle of beer into every panel he was on. Strange, strange man.
-The woman at the Jason Mamoa panel who asked to touch his biceps. THAT IS NOT RELEVANT OK?!
-The lines. Oh god, the lines. I did more waiting this year than I really like and it was poop every time.
-Losing your moisturizer in the one room you've had it in, only to have it found in a washcloth no one has ever seen before o_O.
-Fart wars. Really, Voyager cast? Ok then. You do you.
-Spending 20min the entire weekend in the art show. There is just not enough time in the day!
-Not having enough books to read. Or not having enough books that I really wanted to read.
-Humidity. Atlanta in the summer is the home of steamy heat and sweat, which when surrounded by 50,000 people who don't like to shower? Not good.
-With that said, B.O. I should not smell you from 20 feet away. It's a bad sign.
-Vlogging. How does anyone do that? Not only do I forget about my camera half the time, the other half I don't have anything interesting to say. Sigh. I think I'm just gonna give up.
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A little awkward, a LOT amazing. |
-Burlesque Power Rangers were apprently a 'distraction' to people coming up the escalator, so hotel security politely asked us to move over 10 feet to avoid an accident. THAT TOTALLY HAPPENED.
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And apparently I made this face. |
-A slightly drunk (or exhausted) Robert Picardo stepping into the elevator with my friend Jessica and I, trying to find the room for his next panel.
-An entire elevator letting me know that they all agreed and thought I should cosplay as Inara from Firefly. Ok...
-People in MUCH better steampunk costumes than I wanting to take a picture of me and my makeup! So freaking cool!
-MEETING JEN AND JOHN FROM CAKEWRECKS/EPBOT! I found them completely by accident (I don't stalk Twitter enough) but I did it!
-Richard Dean Anderson is hilarious and old and I would still marry him in a heart beat.
-Leather corsets! Costs an arm and a leg but looks fantastic. I can wear it every day right? Leather's always aprorpriate for work.
-"My Drunk Kitchen". Don't kow it? Look it up! It's short, hilarious, and easily the most entertaining thing to watch on epic car rides.
-Cook Out. I know that's another food item, but it deserves it's own awesome spot. It's so good and the DMV is missing out! Hush puppies and cajun cheese fries? A corn dog as a 'side'? A chicken wrap as a 'side'? Genius!
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Yes? Yes. |
why me?
Monday, September 3, 2012 • Ann Taylor Factory, Anthropologie, OOTD
It's almost worse when I bring my camera with freshly charged battery to work and for some reason things don't work. It's like I'm being punished. Thank goodness for coworkers.
Top: Ann Taylor Factory ~ Skirt: Anthroplogie ~ Watch: No brand ~ Bracelet: No brand
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