And with all that in mind, let's discuss Cargo Cosmetics's HD Picture Perfect CC Cream.
Cargo HD Picture Perfect CC Cream, in Medium-Dark
The CC cream is a tinted SPF, powered by a combination of both chemical and physical sunscreens, which results in a creamy, but not super heavy, final texture. I'm able to successfully use it over serum as both my moisturizer and SPF, but your mileage may vary because I wouldn't necessarily call this hydrating on its own.
The big reason I wanted to share this review with y'all is because this is one of the very few "color changing" creams that actual matches me. Both in color and undertone, and I'm not sure I can adequately describe what a feat that is.
And I can already hear you saying, "But Dana, what about how it actually looks on your face?", which is a picture I neglected to take and apologize for profusely. I pretty much hate taking pictures of myself, especially of just my face, but since I personally find them so useful in reviews it's going to be something I incorporate in the future. But for now I leave you with my very positive review, and keep my fingers crossed that you too happen upon it somewhere random in your journeys.
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