I've got my eye on a few things for Dragon*Con this year (DRAGON*CON! 147 DAYS!! WOOHOO!!) but this morning Etsy won in terms of things I want vs the money I might actually be willing to part with for them. Think of this as a personal reminder post ok? You all just get to sit back and enjoy the pretty pictures :D.
Hello and welcome to Good Red Herring, my little piece of internet immortality. You'll find all sorts of posts on fashion, books, skincare, makeup and geeky goodness - hope you stick around!
"It's not about the hundred people whose minds you can't change. It's about the two people you empower." --Beth Ditto
"The whole thing with makeup is you can't be scared. Cause if you don't try and experiment you'll never know what you can create." --Eve Pearl
"Your body is the one thing you TRULY own for the rest of your life, and life is way too short to waste time hating it." --Kerosene Deluxe
Unless stated otherwise all products (makeup, clothing, jewelry - whatever) reviewed on this blog were purchased by me.
Some links to products in posts are affiliate links, and if you choose to use them, may earn me and this blog a small commission with no additional cost to you. You are always free to find products independently, and I appreciate you taking the time to stop by the blog.
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