This is probably more a test of concept than anything else but...they don't suck. Also taking pictures with a tripod in the icy rain is not recommended, lol.
Hello and welcome to Good Red Herring, my little piece of internet immortality. You'll find all sorts of posts on fashion, books, skincare, makeup and geeky goodness - hope you stick around!
"It's not about the hundred people whose minds you can't change. It's about the two people you empower." --Beth Ditto
"The whole thing with makeup is you can't be scared. Cause if you don't try and experiment you'll never know what you can create." --Eve Pearl
"Your body is the one thing you TRULY own for the rest of your life, and life is way too short to waste time hating it." --Kerosene Deluxe
Unless stated otherwise all products (makeup, clothing, jewelry - whatever) reviewed on this blog were purchased by me.
Some links to products in posts are affiliate links, and if you choose to use them, may earn me and this blog a small commission with no additional cost to you. You are always free to find products independently, and I appreciate you taking the time to stop by the blog.
You look like a goddess!
Interesting thoughts I really enjoyed your blog.
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