Pumpkin Mutilation (aka Fall Fun Part II)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

So originally my 'Fall Fun' post was going to include the pictures that I took from my evening o pumpkin mutilation.What actually happened is that I wrote out the first post, realized it was a$$ long, and decided to chop them in 2. And now as I'm writing part two I'm thinking about how since I didn't write any posts in between these two the main page of my blog is still going to be covered in high(ish) quality pictures which will make it slower to load...


Oh well, to MOVE ON. A few nights ago I went all Martha Stewart on the pumpkin I bought from Larriland Farms and turned it into the first carved pumpkin I've ever done as an adult. With her own apartment and everything.

Here is the pumpkin after I've taken all the gooey bits out. I was surprised at how much this 1) grossed me out almost as much as when I cook turkey, and 2) yet still made me proud of my spoon scraping abilities.

I saw this really cool picture on Google of an example pumpkin that I tired to recreate. I was a little sad that even though it was the mouth I liked the most on the picture I found, mine did not turn out very much like it at all.

BUT - when it's all dark and lit up it doesn't look half bad now does it?

FYI: You can't tell, but this is my pumpkin sitting on the front stoop of my apartment building.

 Do you  see how devoted I was to my activity? I picked through, rinsed clean, and baked the pumpkin seeds to make myself a little late night snack.

They were pretty damn yummy if I say so myself. 

So there you go peeps, a close up and personal look of my Fall Fun of the moment. I highly recommend that you guys do this for yourselves, whether it be visiting your local farms or carving a pumpkin. I might even consider doing another to decorate my table for Thanksgiving :)

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