-New lipgloss! I've never tried a Giorgio Armani one before, but first thoughts are very positive.
-There's going to be a masked ball at Dragon*Con and I just can't get over how cool I think that is.
-Cowboys & Aliens. Ok Daniel Craig, you've got me - I LOVED this movie!
-Slightly expensive face creams. I know I don't NEED it but I love it just the same.
-Women who just stand there and chat in the bathroom - or bring their cups in with them. Ick.
-Having a nail break start really far down, ruining my chances of growing them out.
-Can I put Dragon*Con under awkward too? As excited as I am about it, hotel stress and outfit concerns combined with makeup confusion is leaving me a little stressed. Dammit. I don't want to be the one person who fails at life!
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