Ok girls, I know it's hard in today's day and age to talk about some things, but in the reality of Big Girl Dressing there is one topic that just cannot be avoided: chub rub. You all know what I'm talking about- that chafing between your thighs or between your arms and body during the summer when you wear a tank top or dress.
But the real devastating truth of chub rub? The secret that most cultures keep hidden behind smoke and mirrors?
It doesn't just affect big girls!
Runners, small women who aren't anorexic thin, GUYS who have some meat; all of them can be hit by the dreaded chub rub. I know, I know - I've knocked your world off its axis and you need some time work through this. Don't give up! Believe it and bask in the knowledge that you're not that different from everybody else!
I'm inspired to write this particular volume now because it's summer and during the summer women like to deal with the climbing thermometer by pulling on a dress or skirt. It's a great way to work in some ventilation without being that weird guy in a kilt. Unfortunately this proves a problem because when skin, any skin, is rubbing together consistently and for long periods of time in the heat it causes pain.
But what else can we do Dana? We can't be in jeans all year long!
I'll tell you what you can do! Try any (one at a time though) of the options below:
1) Monistat Chafing Gel
2) Deodorant
3) BodyGlide
4) Spanx
The Details:
2) I haven't tried this one yet, but I've heard you can also rub deodorant against the problem areas and it should help too. Easier and less sketch to attempt in public I think than the gel.
3) BodyGlide Chafing Stick has been used by runners for awhile to combat any rubbing issues

4) Oh Number 4. You are my most favorite of choices, because you take care of so many problems at once! The almighty Spanx (or fake-Spanx, if you're like me and prefer to pick up the no-name brand from Target) has been known mostly for its ability to pull it (you) in and up, making almost
***Cheap alternative: I did this once in Italy when I thought I was all big and bad and was going to walk around without Spanx. I bought a pair of cheap ass nylons and cut them a few inches above the knee. Ta-da: instant Spanx.***
I hope you've all learned something today. Something you can use, something you can teach your friends and daughters to use - something that you can teach the guys in your life to use! Chub rub is no longer an excuse to be sweltering in the heat! Break out those (appropriately lengthed) dresses and skirts and walk on happy!
I'm so glad you did this! I've been struggling with this problem all summer, and I ended up going with option 4. Although now that I know the others exist I may give them a try :)
I'm glad it helped! I'm trying to hit the important issues so no one feels left out!
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